You registered in most of the prominent job portals and floated your resume. You are sincerely tracking all the news paper advertisements and applying for at least 5-10 jobs every day. But not getting any interview calls. This clearly indicates something wrong with your resume. You should know how to build your resume.
Let us first understand why most of the fresher are not getting interview calls.
Average Academic Record
You may not be able to attract the selectors just by showing your average marks. You may have good record on extracurricular activities and sports but that might help only during the final HR interview. You have to do something extra to make your resume more valuable.
Lack of information about industries
You have excellent academic record, but still not getting interview calls. You really need to understand how to project your knowledge in the technology that has huge demand and attract the interviewers.
Economic Recession
Industries stopped recruiting even experienced engineers. They do lay-offs too. In tough situations, you really need to spend your time usefully to build your skill sets.
I can list out many reasons why you are not getting interview calls. But if you understand some of the basic things that I outlined here have serious impact on getting calls, you could rewrite your fate by making your resume distinct.
You can't make your resume distinct and valuable just by adding more information and formatting it with colorful fonts and bullets. You have to build your resume. Do some home work. Find out what industries expect from fresher. Improve your knowledge and skills based on the job opportunities. Add the new skill sets in your resume.
I would like to provide some suggestions to make your resume valuable and distinct.
- Make your resume simple and well formatted. It should be 2-4 pages maximum.
If you are a fresher, maximum 2 pages enough.
- Summarize your knowledge and skills at the beginning of your resume.
- Find out which technology has so much demand and what industry people expect from you. Learn those things and add it in your resume.
- Do some specialized courses and increase the value of your resume by adding new projects and technology.
- Interact with experienced people and find out which technology has huge demand.
- Inform very clearly what you are currently doing.
- You can have different kinds of resume based on the industry type. This helps you to attract them by projecting the information that they are looking for. But only few variations are enough.
- Be honest. Make sure that your resume is 100% genuine.
- Take the help of HR consultants/Head hunters to format your resume.
Simple idea, Search for good resumes in Google. Why don't you follow the same template, if it impresses you at the first sight?